Team420 Nethunter

Team420 Kernels, Team420 Nethunter Apps, KekHunterOS

Team420 is a small team of passionate developers around the globe. We are dedicated to bring Kali Linux Nethunter builds to devices, which don’t receive love from the official Nethunter developers. We are offering not only Team420 Nethunter kernels, but also our own ROM KekhunterOS and our own modified versions of the Nethunter apps!

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  • Based on latest ForkLineage OS (17.1)
  • Custom Team420 Nethunter apps included
  • Nhscripts in /bin for other terminals than nhterm
  • Modified bash 5.0
  • HID support
  • ctOS bootanimation
  • Added atheros and zd1211 firmware
  • Added GNU bin libraries (ncurses, intl, make)
  • Added F-Droid system priv extension app
  • Added DuckduckGo
  • Modified toybox
  • A lot of under-the-hood improvements
  • Cooked with love ❤️

Team420 Nethunter Apps

The core functionality of Nethunter lies in the Nethunter apps. Unfortunately, the original Nethunter apps look really outdated and have some bugs here and there. With our custom made Team420 Nethunter apps we are trying to fix some bugs, which haven’t been addressed by the official Nethunter Team yet. We are also patching some features into the apps, which weren’t present or functional before. At the same time, we gave the apps an optical upgrade, to finally make them old boys look modern.


To be able to use most of the Kali Linux Nethunter features, the bare minimum is to have a custom Kernel with activated configs and included patches. That’s why we are offering separate Team420 Kernel zips for a growing list of devices.